Because ECC is the only center in Egypt that provides comprehensive care for cancer patients, from diagnosis to recovery, and includes all specialties
Book An AppointmentA group of the most skilled oncologists in Egypt, the East and the Middle East
ECC provides high-quality care while ensuring the best services in a family atmosphere that helps raise patients’ morale and improve their mood.
Our Breast Cancer Unit stands as a beacon of hope, where cutting-edge technology meets compassionate care to create a sanctuary for healing and recovery
Our Gastrointestinal Oncology Unit is more than a treatment center; it’s a community of survivors, fighters, and advocates united in the struggle against gastrointestinal diseases.
dedicated to identifying cancer at its earliest stages, significantly improving treatment outcomes. Utilizing advanced screening technologies and personalized risk assessments, the unit focuses on proactive measures to prevent tumor development.
specializes in diagnosing and treating cancers affecting the head and neck region. This unit employs a multidisciplinary approach, combining the expertise of oncologists, surgeons, radiologists, and other specialists to provide comprehensive care. Advanced technologies and personalized treatment plans ensure the best possible outcomes for patients.
Specializes in diagnosing and treating cancers affecting the lungs and the pleural space, the cavity between the lungs and chest wall. This unit employs advanced techniques to manage conditions like pleural effusion and pleural nodules, often associated with lung cancer
focuses on diagnosing and treating cancers in children and adolescents. This unit offers comprehensive care, including advanced therapies like CAR T-cell therapy and proton therapy
The Brain and Spine Tumors Unit specializes in diagnosing and treating tumors of the central nervous system, including the brain and spinal cord. This unit offers advanced treatments such as neurosurgery, radiation therapy, and chemotherapy
Offers a wide range of services, including cosmetic and reconstructive procedures. This unit specializes in surgeries such as breast reconstruction, facial reconstruction, and hand surgery
Specializes in diagnosing and treating both benign and malignant tumors of the bones and soft tissues. This unit offers advanced treatments like limb salvage surgery, which aims to remove tumors while preserving the affected limb
provides comprehensive inpatient care for patients suffering from severe acute malnutrition (SAM). This unit operates in three stages: stabilization, transition, and rehabilitation
Focuses on helping cancer patients manage treatment-related side effects and improve their overall quality of life. This unit offers specialized therapies to address issues like pain, fatigue, and lymphedema
Plays a crucial role in managing cancer treatments and ensuring patient safety. This unit provides comprehensive medication management, including chemotherapy order verification, monitoring for adverse effects, and managing drug interactions
Provides essential emotional and psychological care to cancer patients and their families. This unit offers services such as counseling, support groups, and stress management techniques to help patients cope with the emotional challenges of cancer treatment
Professor and chairman
Orthopaedic department
Head of orthopaedic oncology unit
Cairo university, Cairo, Egypt
Board member, egyptian orthopaedic association (EOA)
Member of international society of limb salvage (ISOLS)
Clinical Oncology Consultant.
National Cancer Institute, Cairo University.
Fellow of Royal College, Clinical Oncology, London, UK.
Fellow at Guy’s and St Thomas’ NHS trust, London, UK.
Radiation Oncologist in Baheya Hospital.
استشاري علاج الأورام. المعهد القومي للأورام جامعه القاهرة.
زميل الكليه الملكيه لعلاج الاورام . المملكه المتحده.
زميل مستشفى جايز و سانت توماس ، لندن ، المملكة المتحدة.
دكتور العلاج الاشعاعي بمستشفى بهية.
Consultant for cancer surgery at the National Cancer Institute, Cairo University. He is a highly specialized consultant and experienced in all neoplastic diseases and consider as a pioneer of breast cancer surgery & gynecological oncology
Professor of Surgical Oncology, Head & Neck surgery, Thyroid & parathyroid Surgery , National cancer Institute Cairo University.
استاذ جراحة الأورام، جراحة الراس و الرقبة و جراحة الغدة الدرقية ، معهد الأورام القومي جامعة القاهرة
Consultant laparoscopic surgery and surgical oncologist .
Fellow of the Royal College of Surgeons .
Chief of surgery & Head of minimally invasive surgery Al Salam Oncology Center.
Consultant surgeon in Al Salam international hospitals, Dar Al Fouad Hospital & the specialized Air Force Hospital.
International expert trainer in Laparoscopic surgery, Medtronic Center , Istanbul, Turkey.
Visiting professor to the Ministry of Health , Kuwait.
استاذ جراحه الاورام المعهد القومي للاورام جامعه القاهره
Full Professor of Radiation Oncology - Nci- Cairo University
Department Chair of Radiation Oncology & Nuclear Medicine Department- Nci- Cairo University
Department chair of Radiotherapy Nasser Medical City Cancer Center- Nasser Medical City for research &
Treatment- Ministry of Health & Population-Egypt
استاذ اورام الاطفال المعهد القومي للاورام جامعه القاهره
دكتوراه جراحة الاورام-المعهد القومى للاورام-جامعةالقاهرة.
استشاري ومدرس جراحة الاورام والمناظير-جامعةالقاهرة.
عضو كلية الجراحين الملكية- انجلترا
حاصل على البورد الاوروبى لجراحات الثدى،وأورام الرحم والمبيض.
استشاري التغذيه العلاجيه وعضو الجمعيه الاوروبيه للتغذيه العلاجيه وتغذيه مرضي الاورام
وعضوالجمعيه المصريه العربيه للتغذيه العلاجيه
عينات من جميع اجزاء الجسم والاورام المختلفه عن طريق الاشعه بدون جراحه.
٢-علاج أورام الكبد بالتردد الحراري أو الليزر أو الميكروويف
٣- الحقن الكيماوي من خلا القسطره الشريانيه
٤- علاج أورام الغده الدرقيه الحميده عن طريق الميكروويف أو الليزر بدون جراحه .
٥ - علاج اورام الرحم الليفيه وتضخم البروستاتا بدون جراحة
تحت إشراف
أ.د حسين زكي
دكتوراه واستشارى الأشعة التشخيصية والتداخلية
استشارى علاج الالم
استاذ مساعد علاج الالم التداخلى طب الازهر
استاذ جراحة اورام الرئتين والغشاء البللورى واورام الصدر ( القصر العيني )
جراحات أورام الرئة و الغشاء البللورى
إرتشاحات الغشاء البللورى
اورام الحيزوم والغدة الثيموسية
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