Mohandseen Branch : 210 EL Sudan st, 2nd floor Mohandseen Sheikh Zayed Branch: Twin Towers - Main square - Building C - First Floor - H Clinic

Welcome to Egyptian Cancer Center

Why you should choose us?

Because ECC is the only center in Egypt that provides comprehensive care for cancer patients, from diagnosis to recovery, and includes all specialties

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Featured Doctors

You can review your doctor’s profile to become more optimistic and reassured that you are being examined and treated by the greatest and most famous doctors in Egypt and the Middle East.

Prof Dr. Walid Eeid

Professor and chairman

Orthopaedic department

Head of orthopaedic oncology unit

Cairo university, Cairo, Egypt

Board member, egyptian orthopaedic association (EOA)

Member of international society of limb salvage (ISOLS)


Dr. Medhat Saleh

Clinical Oncology Consultant.
National Cancer Institute, Cairo University.
Fellow of Royal College, Clinical Oncology, London, UK.
Fellow at Guy’s and St Thomas’ NHS trust, London, UK.
Radiation Oncologist in Baheya Hospital.

استشاري علاج الأورام. المعهد القومي للأورام جامعه القاهرة.
زميل الكليه الملكيه لعلاج الاورام . المملكه المتحده. 
زميل مستشفى جايز و سانت توماس ، لندن ، المملكة المتحدة.
دكتور العلاج الاشعاعي بمستشفى بهية.

Prof. Dr. Diaa El-Din Abu El-Saud

  • Faculty of Medicine, Kasr Al-Ainy, Cairo University
  • PhD in Cardiothoracic Surgery
  • Fellow of the University of Milan, Italy
  • Fellow of the American Association for Thoracic Surgery
  • Member of the European Association for Cardiothoracic Surgery


Consultant for cancer surgery at the National Cancer Institute, Cairo University. He is a highly specialized consultant and experienced in all neoplastic diseases and consider as a pioneer of breast cancer surgery & gynecological oncology

Prof. Dr. Mohamed Shehab Saad Zaghloul

  • Faculty of Medicine, Cairo University
  • Specializes in brain, cerebellum, skull base, and spinal cord tumors
  • Expertise in pediatric brain and nerve tumors and congenital anomalies

Prof. Dr. Hatem Abu El-Qasim

  • Professor and Head of Urologic Oncology Surgery Department at the National Cancer Institute, Cairo University
  • Former Dean of the National Cancer Institute and Former President of the Egyptian Society of Surgical Oncology
  • 30 years of experience in bladder and prostate resections using minimally invasive techniques
  • Consultant Robotic Surgeon at As Salam International Hospital

Prof. Dr. Mohamed Rifaat

  • Professor of Surgery at the National Cancer Institute
  • Member of the Egyptian Society of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeons (ESPRS)
  • Member of the International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery (ISAPS)
  • Fellow of the Royal College of Surgeons of Glasgow (FRCS, Glasg.)
  • Fellow of the European Board of Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery (FEBOPRAS)

Prof. Dr. Mohamed Amara

  • Professor of Neurosurgery and Spine Surgery
  • Member of the American Association of Neurological Surgeons
  • Member of the European Association of Neurosurgical Societies

Dr.Tarek Khairy

Professor of Surgical Oncology, Head & Neck surgery, Thyroid & parathyroid Surgery , National cancer Institute Cairo University.

 استاذ جراحة الأورام، جراحة الراس و الرقبة و جراحة الغدة الدرقية ، معهد الأورام القومي جامعة القاهرة

Dr.Ahmed Shoukry

Consultant laparoscopic surgery and surgical oncologist .

Fellow of the Royal College of Surgeons .

Chief of surgery & Head of minimally invasive surgery Al Salam Oncology Center.

Consultant surgeon in Al Salam international hospitals, Dar Al Fouad Hospital & the specialized Air Force Hospital.

International expert trainer  in Laparoscopic surgery, Medtronic Center , Istanbul, Turkey.

Visiting professor to the Ministry of Health , Kuwait.

Dr.Faisel Amer

استاذ جراحه الاورام المعهد القومي للاورام جامعه القاهره

Dr.Ehab Khalil

Full Professor of Radiation Oncology - Nci- Cairo University
 Department Chair of Radiation Oncology & Nuclear Medicine Department- Nci- Cairo University
 Department chair of Radiotherapy Nasser Medical City Cancer Center- Nasser Medical City for research &
Treatment- Ministry of Health & Population-Egypt

Dr.Emad Oubed

استاذ اورام الاطفال المعهد القومي للاورام جامعه القاهره

Dr.Omar Moresy

دكتوراه جراحة الاورام-المعهد القومى للاورام-جامعةالقاهرة.
استشاري ومدرس جراحة الاورام والمناظير-جامعةالقاهرة. 
عضو كلية الجراحين الملكية- انجلترا
حاصل على البورد الاوروبى لجراحات الثدى،وأورام الرحم والمبيض.

Dr.Islam Kamal

استشاري التغذيه العلاجيه وعضو الجمعيه الاوروبيه للتغذيه العلاجيه وتغذيه مرضي الاورام
وعضوالجمعيه المصريه العربيه للتغذيه العلاجيه

Dr.Hussein Zaki

عينات من جميع اجزاء الجسم والاورام المختلفه عن طريق الاشعه بدون جراحه.
٢-علاج أورام الكبد بالتردد الحراري أو الليزر أو الميكروويف 
٣- الحقن الكيماوي من خلا القسطره الشريانيه 
٤- علاج أورام الغده الدرقيه الحميده عن طريق الميكروويف أو الليزر بدون جراحه .
٥ - علاج اورام الرحم الليفيه وتضخم البروستاتا بدون جراحة 
تحت إشراف 
أ.د حسين زكي 
دكتوراه واستشارى الأشعة التشخيصية والتداخلية

Dr.Ahmed Zeidan

استشارى علاج الالم
استاذ مساعد علاج الالم التداخلى طب الازهر

Dr.Ahmed Khalaf

استاذ جراحة اورام الرئتين والغشاء البللورى واورام الصدر ( القصر العيني )
جراحات أورام الرئة و الغشاء البللورى
إرتشاحات الغشاء البللورى
اورام الحيزوم والغدة الثيموسية

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